Thursday, December 16, 2010

The story of the Rhino and the Fire / Rinocerul si Focul

The story of the Rhino and the Fire

This evening I am going to tell you a story. I’ve heard it some days ago from a Romanian man who lived in Namibia for 3 years. He spent most of the time with the Bushmen, helping them while asking for nothing in return. He learned this story from them. Someday, he might write a book about what he has seen here. Until that day, he was kind enough to share some stories with me.

Here is the good night story:

Long time ago the Rhino and the Fire were good friends. The Rhino would often come to visit the Fire and they would happily talk for long hours. During such a visit, the Rhino seemed very upset. He came close to the Fire and told him: “Fire, I always come to visit you but you have never come to my house. Please be so kind to visit me soon”

The Fire replied: “My dear friend, I would like to come but I do not think it is wise. I am sorry but I cannot do it”.

The Rhino was very upset and he lamented saying: “Fire, you must come to me. You are my friend. Friends should visit each other”.

Reluctantly, the Fire accepted. One day, he came to the Rhino’s house. You can probably guess what happened: the house and everything around it was destroyed by a scorching fire.

Since that day the Rhino and the Fire are no longer friends. They say that when the rhino sees a fire in the bush it stamps it out. Never again did the Rhino visit the fire as a friend but as a foe seeking revenge.

Rinocerul si Focul

În seara aceasta va voi scrie o poveste. Cu doar cateva zile in urma auzeam aceasta poveste la un roman din Namibia. A locuit aici aproape 3 ani, petrecand o vreme indelungata alaturi de bosimani pe care i-a ajutat fara sa ceara ceva in schimb. Stia povestea de la ei. Intr-o zi, va scrie poate o carte despre ceea ce a vazut in Namibia. Inainte de acest moment insa, mi-a relatat cu deschidere cateva evenimente şi povesti din lumea de aici.

Iata povestea pe care v-o trimit in semn de „noapte buna”.

Demult, Rinocerul si Focul erau buni prieteni. Rinocerul venea adesea in vizita la Foc. Stateau de vorba ore intregi fara sa oboseasca. In timpul unei vizite insa, Rinocerul parea foarte suparat. S-a apropiat de foc si i-a spus: “ Focule, eu vin tot timpul la tine in vizita dar tu nu ai venit niciodata la mine acasa. Te rog sa ma vizitezi curand”

Focul i-a răspuns: “Scumpul meu prieten, mi-ar placea sa vin dar nu cred ca este intelept. Imi pare rau dar nu pot sa fac asta”.

Rinocerul s-a suparat rau şi i-a replicat cu durere: “Focule, eşti prietenul meu. Prietenii ar trebui sa se viziteze”.

Cu greu, Focul a acceptat. Intr-o zi a venit in vizita la casa Rinocerului. Puteti ghici ce s-a intamplat: casa si tot ceea ce era in jurul ei au fost mistuite de flacari. Din ziua aceea Rinocerul si Focul nu mai sunt prieteni. Se spune ca atunci cand rinocerul vede un foc il calca in picioare pana se stinge. Astfel, Rinocerul nu a mai venit niciodata in vizita la Foc ca un prieten ci a cautat mereu sa se razbune.

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